First MOD:
The first mod is the following:
- A piece of a 0,5 mm thick guitar cable (I take off the rubber insulation and put a shrink tubing in place), linking the jack to the pickups switch.
- I have Used two 22nF russian PIO capacitors at the begining, and then have changed one 22nF to 15nF to the rhythm pick-up (copying the popular woman tone mod).
- All wire used are non tinned copper thick wire.
- Implemented a 50's style wiring to increase the highs.
*The tone is warm and big, a lot of bass and low middle, good detailed highs.
- I guess, IMO, this tone is because the non tinned cooper thick wire and the PIO caps.
Using a 15nF PIO:
Second MOD:
The second and current modification is as follows:
All wire are tinned copper wire (vintage style wire for guitar).
- Used two Russian capacitors PIO, one 22nF for treble and one 15nF to the rhythm (yes, the woman tone mod).
The 50 's style wiring, to increase the highs, remains the same.
- Big potenciometers Gotoh 24 mm for a better construction.
*Sugestion: treble bleed mod (only the capacitor without the resistor option) for volume pots - 250pF to 680pF (sorry no pictures taken).
** The tone is dry, vintage, more single coil style, most of the bass and low middle are gone , highs became more extended and predominant.
- I think, IMO, this tone is because the tinned copper cable.
- Recently I have unpotted the pickups, seeking for a more detailed tone.