Tuesday, December 31, 2013

How to pull out amplifier knobs and guitar knobs

Sometime it is hard to remove a amplifier knob or a guitar knob, to solve this problem use a Flannel Polishing Cloth to help pull out and not damage things, the pictures explains (I guess so... put the mouse over the pictures).

Amplifier example:

Guitar example:

Fender Bullet 15 Amplifier Mod (Updated)

  • That's a crazy mod, I made some aleatory holes in the backpainel to have more a open cabinet sound, and more 3D sound. 
  • And also changed the speaker conductors for a all copper 0,5 mm, instead of a thin tinned copper, IMO this was a improvement for a SS amp.
  • A mod for the driver channel is cut R23 ( 220K ), LD1, LD2, CR1, CR2 out, and put the JFET/LED circuit, to turn the overdrive more cracked and crisp (IMO). I will try the 2n7000 mosfet, as soon as possible.

See the pictures:

fender bullet 15 dsp

fender bullet 15 dsp

fender bullet 15 dsp

fender bullet 15 dsp

fender bullet 15 dsp