Monday, July 18, 2016

Stratocaster tremolo piezo + piezo mod

This is a mod to adapt a under saddle acoustic guitar piezo to a stratocaster block tremolo anda a common piezo inside the guitar body.


  • Use a rotary tool and a file to make a groove at the upside of the block:

strat block tremolo

strat block tremolo

strat block tremolo

  • ... until the piezo fit it, with only a small part outside:

  strat block tremolo 

  • Screw the other parts of the tremolo with the piezo wire out of the block:

*Maybe you will have to file the wood of the guitar under the bridge, a litle bit, to adapt the extra wire.

strat block tremolo

strat block tremolo

  •  Othewise, if you don't use the tremolo arm, like me, it is possible to use the other side of the block, making a extra hole to pass the wire:

strat block tremolo

strat block tremolo

  •   Set up the tremolo at the guitar, use the grounding hole to pass the piezo wire and conect it to the guitar circuit. Some hot glue will fix better some parts:

strat block tremolo

strat block tremolo
strat block tremolo

strat block tremolo

  •  Next step....fix a common piezo at the inside of the guitar body, near as possible of the bridge, using a double face tape:


strat piezo

 strat piezo

strat piezo

The tromolo piezo will have a lot of influence of the coils, producing a lot of reverbation. My sugestion is to mix the two piezos with a resistor (or a pot) like that:


strat piezo

* 1M or less... depends on the piezo output level.

Finaly, mixing the pickup mod ( with this piezo mod:

strat mod

*All pots are 500K

strat mod

* Other suggestions:


Tks to Pete from


  1. This is pretty genius. Is it your idea?

  2. Thank u very much. I guess so, I started to search for products to emulate a acustic guitar, and they are very expensive. So I tried to make somethink alike. Having Making crazy experiences and having fun with it.

  3. Is there an audio sample?
