Saturday, July 28, 2018

Les paul Pickup upgrade and magnet swap (Seymor Duncan 59 and Pearl Gates)

Les paul Pickup upgrade and magnet swap (Seymor Duncan 59 and Pearl Gates)

Hello friends, Its a humbucker pickups upgrade. I've got tired of my Burstbuckers (not pro) 1 and 2 copy, then I bought a Seymour Duncan Pear Gates Bridge (A2) and a 59 neck (A5), I guessed the 59 sounded a little boomy (lot of basses). The end of the history, I've swaped the pickups magnets: Alnico 5 to Alnico 2.
Now I have a Pearl Gates A5 and a Duncan 59 A2. Showed at the video below:

0:26 neck; 0:45 bridge; 1:05 both pickups